Jul 17, 2017
An authority on body dysmorphic disorder, male eating disorders
and addiction(including steroids), Brian Cuban is the author of the
best-selling book, Shattered Image: My Triumph Over Body Dysmorphic
Disorder. It chronicles his first-hand experiences living with, and
recovering from, twenty-seven years of eating disorders,
alcoholism, drug addiction and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
Cuban has appeared on prestigious talks shows such as the Katie
Couric Show as well as numerous media outlets around the country.
He also writes extensively on these subjects. His columns have
appeared on CNN.com, Foxnews.com,The Huffington Post and in online
and print newspapers around the world.
Cuban speaks regularly about his recovery and breaking the stigma surrounding eating disorders, addiction and mental illness. He is a highly sought after college, non-profit event and conference speaker regarding body image, addiction, eating disorder awareness and recovery. Cuban has spoken across the United States and in Canada.